North Cook Expedition News Release 6 Sept. 1997

The Dateline DX Association is the final stages of its preparation to activate the North Cook group(ZK1) from the island of Penrhyn during the period September 20 through 27th.

Team members K8XP, N7RO, KI6AN, WA4YBV, N4RF, N6MZ and ZS8IR(ZS5RI) will meet at Los Angeles International Airport in the afternoon of September 17th and depart that evening for Rarotonga, South Cook. While on Rarotonga the team will visit with Dick, ZK1CC and then depart Rarotonga early on the 20th with arrival on Penrhyn before noon(KH6 time). The setting up process will be top priority into the hours of darkness as no outside work is allowed in the Cook Islands on Sundays. Saturday's goal is to have all antennas up before dark and then commence station setup. The equipment is currently in route to the north island group via ship and is scheduled to arrive on Penrhyn next Monday(September 8).

Three stations using the call ZK1XXP will operate CW on 1832, 3505, 7005, 10105, 14020, 18070, 21020, 24895, & 28005; SSB on 1840, 3795, 7065, 14195, 18140, 21295, 24945, & 28495; RTTY on 3580, 7085, 14080, 18115, 21080, & 28080. Time will also be devoted to some operation above 14225. Expect some frequency adjustment depending on conditions and efforts to operate effectively in concert with the Willis Island operation scheduled to be active at the same approximate time. Enough equipment is available for two additional stations if time and surroundings will permit.

As one of the goals of the operation is to provide as much exposure to Europe and the East Coast of North America, arrangements have been made with ON5NT to dissiminate daily updates to his part of the world. Ghis will also be assisted by G3KMA, SM0AJU, DJ2YA, CT1EEB and an OH station. North and South America stations will be able to follow announcements over the numerous bulletins published daily.

Prop forecasts are predicting improved conditions and reports from Europe are already saying the South Pacific area is being heard with good signals almost daily.

Don, N1DG oversee's the web site ( providing general information, news updates, photos of the operation and island(updated daily) and log checking. Some interesting historical information about the Cook Islands and its people are also found on the page. A unique feature not previously available for any earlier DXpedition prepared by Mike, N6MZ allow's any DXer worldwide to determine when (best time of the day) and on what frequency he/she can best expect to have optimum conditions for QSOing.

QSL route is WA4YBV, direct to:

Robert Pond WA4YBV
9 River Cove
Portsmouth, VA 23703

or WA4YBV via bureau.

Future updates as to status will be posted daily on the web page and also in the numerous bulletins published in the DX world.

Any questions or comments should be directed to K8XP at .



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Last updated 6 September 1997